Properties of quasi-Assouad dimension
Assouad dimension, weak tangents, orthogonal projectionsAbstrakti
The connections between quasi-Assouad dimension and tangents are studied. We apply these results to the calculation of the quasi-Assouad dimension for a class of planar self-affine sets. We also show that sets with decreasing gaps have quasi-Assouad dimension 0 or 1 and exhibit an example of a set in the plane whose quasi-Assouad dimension is smaller than that of its projection onto the \(x\)-axis, showing that quasi-Assouad dimension may increase under Lipschitz mappings. Moreover, for closed sets, we show that the Hausdorff dimension is an upper bound for the quasi-lower Assouad dimension.
García, I., & Hare, K. (2021). Properties of quasi-Assouad dimension. Annales Fennici Mathematici, 46(1), 279–293. Noudettu osoitteesta
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