Boundary rigidity for Randers metrics
Inverse problems, boundary rigidity, travel time tomographyAbstrakti
If a non-reversible Finsler norm is the sum of a reversible Finsler norm and a closed 1-form, then one can uniquely recover the 1-form up to potential fields from the boundary distance data. We also show a boundary rigidity result for Randers metrics where the reversible Finsler norm is induced by a Riemannian metric which is boundary rigid. Our theorems generalize Riemannian boundary rigidity results to some non-reversible Finsler manifolds. We provide an application to seismology where the seismic wave propagates in a moving medium.
Mönkkönen, K. (2021). Boundary rigidity for Randers metrics. Annales Fennici Mathematici, 47(1), 89–102.
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