Sobolev, BV and perimeter extensions in metric measure spaces
Sobolev extension, BV-extension, sets of finite perimeterAbstrakti
We study extensions of sets and functions in general metric measure spaces. We show that an open set has the strong BV-extension property if and only if it has the strong extension property for sets of finite perimeter. We also prove several implications between the strong BV-extension property and extendability of two different non-equivalent versions of Sobolev \(W^{1,1}\)-spaces and show via examples that the remaining implications fail.Viittaaminen
Caputo, E., Koivu, J., & Rajala, T. (2024). Sobolev, BV and perimeter extensions in metric measure spaces. Annales Fennici Mathematici, 49(1), 135–165.
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