Ricci curvature bounded below and uniform rectifiability
Uniform rectifiability, metric spaces, Ricci curvature, Lipschitz functionsAbstrakti
We prove that Ahlfors-regular RCD spaces are uniformly rectifiable and satisfy the Bilateral Weak Geometric Lemma with Euclidean tangents–a quantitative flatness condition. The same is shown for Ahlfors regular boundaries of non-collapsed RCD spaces. As an application we deduce a type of quantitative differentiation for Lipschitz functions on these spaces.Viittaaminen
Hyde, M., Villa, M., & Violo, I. Y. (2024). Ricci curvature bounded below and uniform rectifiability. Annales Fennici Mathematici, 49(2), 751–772. https://doi.org/10.54330/afm.153338
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