Rough isometry between Gromov hyperbolic spaces and uniformization
Gromov hyperbolic, uniform domain, rough isometry, uniformizationAbstract
In this note we show that given two complete geodesic Gromov hyperbolic spaces that are roughly isometric and an arbitrary \(\epsilon>0\) (not necessarily small), either the uniformization of both spaces with parameter \(\epsilon\) results in uniform domains, or else neither uniformized space is a uniform domain. The terminology of "uniformization" is from [BHK], where it is shown that the uniformization, with parameter \(\epsilon>0\), of a complete geodesic Gromov hyperbolic space results in a uniform domain provided \(\epsilon\) is small enough.
Referera så här
Lindquist, J., & Shanmugalingam, N. (2021). Rough isometry between Gromov hyperbolic spaces and uniformization. Annales Fennici Mathematici, 46(1), 449–464. Hämtad från
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