A proof of Hall's conjecture on length of ray images under starlike mappings of order α
Ray-image, length of ray-image, starlike and univalent mappings, starlike functions of order αAbstract
Assume that \(f\) lies in the class of starlike functions of order \(\alpha\in[0,1)\), that is, which are regular and univalent for \(|z|<1\) and such that Re\(\left(\frac{zf'(z)}{f(z)}\right)>\alpha\) for \(|z|<1.\) In this paper we show that for each \(\alpha\in[0,1)\), the following sharp inequality holds: \(|f(re^{i\theta})|^{-1}\int_{0}^{r}|f'(ue^{i\theta})|\,du\leq\frac{\Gamma(\frac{1}{2})\Gamma(2-\alpha)}{\Gamma(\frac{3}{2}-\alpha)}\) for every \(r<1\) and \(\theta\). This settles the conjecture of Hall (1980) positively.
Referera så här
Hästö, P., & Ponnusamy, S. (2022). A proof of Hall’s conjecture on length of ray images under starlike mappings of order α. Annales Fennici Mathematici, 47(1), 335–349. https://doi.org/10.54330/afm.113736
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